Friday, June 15, 2007

Fanstastic Seminar - James Ray

Wow! I went to a free seminar put on by James Ray and it was so powerful... His energy was high and he was quite funny. I was also impressed with his knowledge... One thing he said that has stuck with me is...

If you are not growing you are dying...

How true that is. When you are not pursuing your passion or trying to reach a goal think how stagnant and restless you become! Bored out of you mind... Another thing James Ray talked about was... If you want to be successful don't do what others do. Do the exact opposite and you will be successful (that is a par-phrase...). Really look at the people around you, are they where you want to be or do you want more?

I would suggest you go to James Ray's site and sign-up for his newsletter and look at his wonderful programs... He gave 110% at his free seminar and that my friends tells you a lot. He also has posts on his website about seminars coming through out the country see if you can see him in your town!

I find that when surrounding my self with positive knowledgeable people. I learn so much more and my energy and enthusiasm comes alive...

Garbage in garbage out...

Surround yourself with positive - successful people learn from them it is contagious!!

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