Saturday, March 29, 2008

Don’t Fool Yourselves

Have you ever gone to a business meeting or networking event and collected business cards from companies you were interested in?

When you looked at the business cards that were presented to you what did you think?

Be honest now…

I know when I am offered a card, one that is really unique or has a professional polished appearance I get a favorable impression, in fact it makes the difference between believing the business is successful or not. When the card is designed really well I get the impression they are a well established successful company, one that knows who they are and what they are talking about. On top of that I think WOW this is a really great card.

Do you think that a great business card or professionally designed marketing materials would make your business stand out to a potential client? Yes of course it would.

Remember the old saying “Your first impression is Your last impression?"

Let's think about the flip side…

You go to a meeting and are handed a business cards that is – designed with clip art and printed from a home computer.What do you say to that – what impression do your get?

If they can’t afford business cards how successful are they?
If they can’t even afford business cards how professional are they?
If they can’t afford business cards_______ (fill in the blanks)
Of course in my world, I would say “You need my services”!! Everyone wants to do business with a successful company if you do not portray success through your marketing material you are missing the boat.

How many people have not taken you up on your offers or investigated your website because they are turned off by what they see? You may want to be frugal and cut corners, but business cards and marketing materials should not be one one of those corners.

Last but not least – those free cards you get from places like Vista Print may be free but I can spot them in a second, in fact on the back it has an ad for Vista Print and it should, after all they gave you that product for free.

This is twice as true when it comes to your website...
Uncle Sal may be a wonderful man, and know how to put together a web page (after all it is free, or cheap) but I guarantee 9 out of 10 times it is not professionally put together.
Successful people who are on the Internet know the difference between a home grown websites and a professional one!!

It is your professional image as well as your companies professional image that will make or break your business. Everyone wants to do business with a successful person/company, if your image is less you are ultimately losing money.

Don't squeeze pennies only to lose dollars...
When you don't portray yourself as successful or credible a potential client will not want to do business with you. Don't fool yourselves it is the little things that we overlooked that can create a negative impression.

Pamela Jacob Artista Design

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