If you are an entrepreneur then you cannot pass this article up - very valuable a must read...
Here is an article that really hits home. Almost everyone I work with is totally overwhelmed with the amount of knowledge they think they need. They don’t know where to start and even when I get them pointed in the right direction, they are unfocused.
Get Your Focus Back!
By - Charlie
During these calls members have been free to
ask me any question and they have asked many questions.
But there is one question I asked
every one of them, and their answers
surprised me.
question to them — “What is your #1 challenge to succeeding online?”
I received a variety of answers, the #1 answer by far is this … “I’m suffering from information
overload! I bought the courses
and products and still don’t know what to do next!”
It’s understandable really. There is SO much
information out there. From free information on blogs and in articles to
courses ranging from $27 to $7500 (or more) there is no lack of information.
So why isn’t everyone succeeding online?
there are almost certainly many reasons why people are generally not achieving
their goals online, I believe a big factor (maybe the #1 factor) is this. More…
To success beyond measure and friendships that last a lifetime…
Pamela Jacob Artista Design
8 Crucial Steps to Social Media Dominance (Free) + Bonus
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Pamela Jacob Artista Design
8 Crucial Steps to Social Media Dominance (Free) + Bonus
Follow me on: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+