Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Newest Pinterest Insights

I have been noticing more and more men sharing pins off my Pinterest boards. The majority are taking business-related topic, including infograph’s for marketing and statistics. So I decided to do a little research to see if my eyeballs were deceiving me.

Even though Pinterest is still overwhelmingly female, the number of male users on the site has increased by 73% in the last year, so my instincts were right on, more and more men are using the site.

Research shows women are using Pinterest in a far more inspirational and motivational way than are
men, who are more likely to use Pinterest like a visual book marking tool.

The three items most shared by men are hiking, fashion and DIY. Home related building projects are  pinned by men as well as survival kits and shelter building ideas, another difference between the habits of men vs women?  

Women will pin pictures without linking to any particular store or brand while men will pin products that are linked to a merchandiser’s site. It seems to suggest men are possibly going to buy eventually from the merchandiser - that is how I see it.

Hopeful these insights will help you with your Social Media Strategy when using Pinterest this year. If not, it will give you something to think about.

PS I am currently creating a document that will show you how to put together a social media marketing strategy. It will be available in a few short weeks keep watching!

To success beyond measure and friendships that last a lifetime…

Pamela Jacob Artista Design 
8 Crucial Steps to Social Media Dominance (Free) + Bonus

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